What Is Pay Per Click Advertising?
PPC Digital Marketing
PPC or Pay Per Click is a digital advertising model where, in which advertisers pay each time a targeted customer clicks on one of their ads.
There are various types of PPC ads out there but arguably the most popular type is paid search ad. This type of paid ad is displayed whenever users search for a product or service online through a search engine such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. The queries could be anything from mobile search (Chinese food “near me”) to a local service search (plumbers, roofers) to someone shopping for a gift (“baby shower gift”). These queries trigger PPC ads.
In PPC advertising, businesses that are running a campaign will only pay when a user actually clicks an ad and visits the website.
There are more opportunities today to reach your customers and prospects than ever before. At the same time, there’s more competition. Results pages and social media platforms are flooded with content. Millions of blogs, videos, and graphics are published every single minute. This information overload makes it harder than ever to get your message in front of the people who matter most.